Donetsk Regional General Scientific Library named after N.K. Krupska

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Departments of the Library

City borrowing department

gives out books and journals to the inhabitants of Donetsk to be taken home. The collection of the department equals to 100 thousand volumes on different branches of knowledge. There is a club to interests "Ukrainska svetlytsya" working under the control of this department.
To work in reading halls the readers take printed publications in the specialized departments.

tel. 305-33-71

Department of documents in humanitarian and natural sciences

gives out literature on philosophy, politology, economics, natural sciences, literary studies, linguistics, pedagogy, legal problems, satisfies the readers' interests in Ukrainian books, popularizes literature on history, ethnography, culture, Ukrainian arts, spiritual renaissance of people, holds activities in the field of raising professional qualification of the teachers of the region.

tel. 337-28-74

The library of Canadian - Ukrainian center

was created with the support of the Canadian Association of Friends of Ukraine (Toronto Center). Its collection equals to 20 thousand of Ukrainian and English publications donated by the Ukrainian diaspora of Canada. It includes the Ukrainian books published abroad. Enlargement of the fund of Ukrainian books published abroad is done through donations of Ukrainian diaspora and book exchange.

tel. 337-28-74

Literary and artistic museum of T.G. Shevchenko

presents poetic and artistic legacy of T. Shevchenko, over 1000 exhibits being collected in the museum. Excursions and literary musical parties are held here. The museum functions as a reading hall too providing the readers for information on poetic activities of the poet.

tel. 305-36-71

Department of documents on economic, technical and agricultural sciences

provides the readers for the literature on the mentioned-above topics, including scientific and technical documents and standards and keeps in touch with enterprises and organizations, the Donetsk center of scientific and technical information, research agricultural institutions, business circles of the city. Businessmen and farmers can find qualified help in this department. There are the clubs "Vynahidnyk" ("Inventor") and "Charivnytsya" ("Charmer") functioning under the control of the department.

tel. 335-16-53

Department of arts

serves the workers of culture and arts, art-critics, professional musicians and artists, students of musical and fine arts and art lovers. Publications on all genres of arts, notes and recordings are gathered in this department. It has a special catalogue of notes and recordings. The readers have the opportunity to listen to recordings, CD-disks. During many years a musical parlor functions in the department and exhibitions of art works are held.

tel. 337-35-68

Department of documents in foreign languages

serves the readers providing them for books and periodicals on all branches of knowledge in 46 languages. Reference apparatus on the literature in foreign languages includes alphabet and systematic catalogues. The readers can be consulted on compiling business papers in foreign languages. The department cooperates with international organizations.

tel. 337-35-68

Department of periodicals

provides for newspapers and journals being the most operative sources of information. The library has complete sets of newspapers and journals beginning from the year 1945. Annually the library receives 580 types of newspapers and over 1240 types of journals. The library subscribes to all available periodicals of Ukraine.

tel. 337-34-08

Department of rare documents

collects monuments of domestic and world culture and science, specimens of ancient printed books of XVII-XVIII centuries; publications, books, illustrated issues of works of artists published during their lives, the ones with authors autographs, editor's and censor's remarks; books of unusual format — i.e. giant and tiny, books-"chests", and books published in limited editions. The oldest book available in the department was printed in 1641.

tel. 335-16-53

Department of regional studies

receives a copy of any printed product being issued in the Donetsk region, including all city, regional and large-circulation newspapers; collects and systematizes materials about Donbas and reflects their availability in the special catalogue; practices reference and bibliographic servicing as for the problems of regional studies; publishes bibliographic indices on the topics of regional studies, year book "Famous and memorial dates of the Donetsk region"; holds seminars on the problems of regional studies.

tel. 305-34-67

Information and bibliographic department

has about 85 thousand reference bibliographic publications; provides the readers for reference, bibliographic, information data, assistance in using reference fund; spreads bibliographic and library knowledge, consults the readers on culture of reading in the framework of the school "The reader of a library"; prepares scientific bibliographic indices.

tel. 305-34-67

Sector of information on cultural and arts' issues

provides the leaders, artistic workers, researchers and professionals for information on scientific problems as well as the problems of practice on the field of culture and arts.

tel. 305-34-67

Sector of leisure time organization, visual information and public relations

organizes and holds activities on popularization of literature. There are the university of nations' studies and 6 clubs to interests in the library. Reviews of literature, book exhibitions, weeks and months of demonstration of literature, literary and musical parties, presentations of books and lecture cycles are held in this department. The days of information and the days of professions are organized regularly, during which professionals have the opportunity to get acquainted with new publications in their field.

tel. 335-22-39

Department of automation of library processes

provides for computerization of the library, organizes servicing of the readers through the Internet in the computer hall (12 working places). There is the IATP center for developing computer skills and the Internet access of the readers.

tel. 335-01-88

Department of marketing

studies the demand for new types of services, organizes the work of the librarians in this direction, attracts additional financing, works for creation of the image of the library.

tel. 335-22-39

Department of collecting the library fund

works on collecting the library fund of universal character including all types of data medium: printed publications, i.e. books, journals, newspapers, information issues, standards, notes, maps, etc.; recordings, laser discs, slide films, CD-ROMs, etc. The fund of the library equals to 1 million 700 thousand of various units.
Besides, this department forms the exchange fund too. The exchange sector is engaged in book exchange. This way our library assists in enlargement of funds of other libraries of the region.

tel. 305-33-34

Department of processing documents and catalogues' organization

creates the reference apparatus of the library, which includes over 50 catalogues and cards multilaterally presenting the content of its book funds. The basic catalogues and card indices are the alphabetic and systematic ones, the catalogue of the titles of fiction and poetry, the systematic card index of articles, the card index of periodicals being available in the libraries of the city, etc. Over 65 thousand bibliographic records are represented in the electronic catalogue.
Reference apparatus is in the catalogue room.

tel. 305-33-34

Department of storage of the main library fund

is the place where the books of constant and long-term usage are kept.

tel. 337-28-74

Sector of deposit selection and preservation of documents

provides the readers for the opportunity to use documentary and information resources valuable scientifically or artistically, but rarely ordered. The fund equals to 100 thousand publications.

tel. 335-16-53

Sector of interlibrary loans and complex servicing of enterprises

carries out the orders of the readers for loaning books in other libraries in case their absence in our library. On the basis of agreements with enterprises and organizations complex servicing of them are practiced by our library. The department provides for access to full text database "Laws of Ukraine"

tel. 305-33-71

Research and methodic department

functions as the research, methodic and coordination center for the libraries of different systems and boards of the region, has the fund of literature on library science in all the directions of library activities, consults librarians on various problems of work of a library.

tel. 305-36-71

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