Dear alumni of the program “Community Connections” and other programs being funded by the State Department of the USA!


Project Harmony, the Donetsk Regional Association “Community Initiatives”, the Donetsk IATP Center aim their activities at multisided support and professional development of yours!

Recently you’ve got a letter from Project Harmony containing the information on the work being held with alumni and on the necessity of updateing your contact data.

The Donetsk Regional Association “Community Initiatives” was created in 1998 and is engaged in developing relations with the American communities. It unites those people who have had professional training in the USA and helps to spread the gained experience in the community and to arrange its usage for building civil society in Ukraine. Every year the Association accepts the guests from Pittsburgh in Donetsk (the majority of you had your training course in Pittsburgh). In August 2001 the delegation from Pittsburgh included 10 professionals, and we, together with you, managed to do the program of the visit very interesting for the guests from Pittsburgh. We are grateful to you for your activeness and assistance.

Making life in Ukraine better depends on efforts of each person in our state, on our not being indifferent. Staying in the USA, we saw what an important part a community has in the American public life. That is why our activeness, multisided development of the existing public organizations and creation of new ones appears to be of greatest importance for building civil society in Ukraine. Helping this process to be realized appears the goal of the project “Professional development of the alumni of the program “Community Connections” for assistance in building the civil society”. The project was developed by the Donetsk Regional Association “Community Initiatives” and supported by the Department of State of the USA and by the Project Harmony.

In the framework of this project we are to hold 11 trainings for you. They are as follows:

We would like to ask you to mark those trainings, which you would like to attend, and to inform us using the address or the telephone number given in the end of this letter. Qualified professionals will hold these trainings, and all participants will be provided with the printed materials. During the trainings we shall have coffee breaks and diner in the cafe “Dalie”. The participants of the trainings will get certificates in the end of the course. The quantity of the participants of each training equals to 20 persons, that is why we ask you to register in advance for participation in the trainings necessary for you.

All of you would like to have information on the opportunities of getting grants for public organizations or for your personal training or studying abroad and visiting conferences. Only those who took part in at least one of the trainings will be entered into the list of spreading information about grants.

The Donetsk Regional Association “Community Initiatives” updates the server, where the information about every group of the participants of the program “Community Connections” and the photos on their visits to the USA are presented. We would like to ask you to bring your pictures for adding them to the collection on our server and to give us interesting stories as well as information on continuation of cooperation with your colleagues in the USA. Besides, we are ready to present your information about the activities of your public organization. We plan to begin publishing the newspaper for alumni of the programs, both printed and electronic variants. Please inform us on the form of getting it being convenient for you.

In the IATP Center created for you, you can get free access to the Internet, to get training in computer technique, to create and present your own web-page, to get access to the Internet from your home computer, every Monday to take part in chats with our sister city Pittsburgh, etc.

We invite you to become a member of the Donetsk Regional Association “Community Initiatives”, uniting those who have had trainings in the USA.

We hold many interesting events for you, trying to assist you in professional and cultural development and broadening relations with the communities in the USA.

For joining the Association you should give us your application.

We are ready to accept all your suggestions on further cooperation with the USA and your professional development, and common activities of the alumni of the program.

You can address us :

The Donetsk Regional General Scientific Library named after N.K. Krupsky

84 Vul. Artema, room 3

83055 Donetsk


Tel. (0622) 93-35-00;

 Fax (062) 345-10-13;



Charitable donations for the Association’s development can be sent to its account in the Kalmiussky department of the PROMINVESTBANK of UKRAINE

The account number is 26001311711457, ОКПО 21958641, МФО 335322.
