Olena Bashun, Ukraine

IREX FSA Contemporary Issues Fellowship Program

February-June 2003


 " Libraries in the Period of Transformation to Market Economy: Marketing and Fundraising as a Source of Library Funding"

Mortenson Center for International Library Program

University Of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Advisor Susan Schnuer, Assistant Director and Assistant Professor of Library Administration

Phone: (217) 333-0031



1.        Relevance and contribution to the field. Policy Significance.

Libraries are organizations of great importance for information provision of society. They give access to information, provide for educational assistance, scientific and social development.

The achievements of the American society depend greatly on understanding of significance of the role of libraries in social life, on general support of libraries by the state and broad public.

The urgency of the given research is determined by the subject of investigation, and the main conclusion is that the development of civilization depends on development of libraries. In the 21st century the importance of libraries in the society becomes even higher because of broadening of computer technologies and Internet usage.

Financial stability is of primary importance for development of libraries. It is provided by state and society support as well as by active usage of marketing and fundraising as additional source of means for library development. This problem was regarded in the given research.


2.        Summary of the Research. Findings and Preliminary Conclusions

4 main aspects of the mentioned problem were studied in the course of the research.

1.        The role played by the state in the development of libraries

State authorities in the USA pay sufficient attention to development of libraries and provision for their financial stability. For example, the annual budget of the Library of the Illinois University in Urbana-Champaign is over 30 million $, which fact allows to develop the library collection equaling to 10 million of volumes and to render services to the readers with the help of 700 computers. The investigation showed that financial stability of libraries primarily depends on precise system of lobbying of interests of libraries in state organs (i.e. holding various actions, campaigns for support of libraries, annual Advocacy Days in the framework of a separate state and the country at large before passing budget, participation of community in assertion of interests of libraries, etc.), which helps to form a certain stereotype of attitude of authority organs towards libraries. This should be an example to follow for other countries. 

The American government’s understanding of significance of libraries is expressed through its support of libraries in other countries as a strategic trend of development of civilization. Implementation of the USA project LEAP in Ukraine can serve as an example of a program directed on provision for the Ukrainian libraries’ users the access  to the Internet. The project received financing of 1 million $.

2 Marketing in libraries.

Development of market relations in the USA allows libraries to use elements of marketing in their activities. Let us regard 4 constituents of marketing.

1)      Product – It allows to determine and evaluate library services, and to change their assortment according to the demands of “customers”;

2)      Place – Situation of a library is taken into consideration as well as its services, creation of convenient conditions according to the requirements of users;

3)      Price – Evaluation of expenses spent for services and for analysis of price formation aiming at decrease of expenses;

     4)   Promotion – Advertising the services of a library, public relations, the image of a library.

3 Fundraising as a source of additional financing  

The USA has sufficient experience in fundraising in the field of attracting financial means for solving social problems, development of libraries being among them. In the course of my research I have determined 4 stages of fundraising.

  1. Identification – finding out probable additional sources of financing

     2.  Strategy – creation of image, public relations, working out the strategy of applying for help

    3. Application – applying for help, convincing the donor to provide for help 

    4. Guardianship – expressing gratitude to the donors and motivation of further donations

4 Role of community and NGOs in the work of libraries

Democratic society is based on the initiative and activeness of its citizens. Foundation of various organizations in the USA and defense of their rights and interests allow to solve important social problems, which should be an example to follow for other countries.

The American Library Association created in the USA over 100 years ago defends the rights of libraries and includes about 65 000 members. One more organization of the kind is Special Library Association. There are many organizations of this type in the USA.

The rights of libraries are defended by Trustees’ Board, Association of Library Friends, etc. The role of citizens is the decisive factor in the life of the society in democratic countries.

3. Recommendation for the US and Ukraine Policy Community

-      Using the American experience of lobbying interests of libraries in state authority organs;

-           Broader use of marketing for improvement of library services and raising their image;

-           Provision of intellectual freedom and access to information;

-           Using fundraising as the means of finding additional financing;

-           Attraction of community to solution of social problems through self-organization, foundation of NGOs and formation of assurance that in democratic society everything depends on citizens themselves, not on the authorities;

-           Active usage of computer and Internet technologies and of information libraries’ information assistance in democratic reforms.


After my first visit to the USA I have written a book “Fundraising or the skill to collect money”, and I plan to publish a new one along side with the series of articles for periodicals on the basis of this research.

The result of the participation in the program "Community Connections" was creation of Donetsk regional association “Community Initiatives” uniting alumni of the exchange programs held by the USA and of the site of this NGO (http://library.donetsk.ua/~gin). On this site one can find information about alumni IREX – FSA- Contemporary Issues Fellowship Program. Information about my participation in IREX – FSA - Contemporary Issues Fellowship Program can be found on my site http://library.donetsk.ua/~olena.
